
Thursday, June 30, 2011

6 months...sort of.

Since there is no 31st this month I guess sometime between today and tomorrow Jericho will be 6 months LOL! We don't have his 6 month check up scheduled for another two weeks though so no stats yet.
We are still trying him on solid foods once or twice a day. So far oatmeal is not a winner, and he seems to like avacado even less. Sweet potato is next, if he is anything like his brother and sisters it will be the winner.

A nap with Dadd.

Big boy :)

Trying that green stuff again...silly kid, avacado is yummy!

I am busy getting the decorations finished up for the triplets party. Even though I toned it down this year it still feels like a lot of work.

1 comment:

  1. B liked sweet potatoes too. He was not a fan of oatmeal, but it was not something I fed him often anyway. He liked avacados when he was older though and now only likes them as 'dip'. They grow so fast in such a short time.
