
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

3 three year olds!

It's official, we are now the proud parents of 3 three year olds! They have come so far, we are so thankful for every amazing day we get to be with them. We love you 3 so much more than we ever knew possible XOXOXO!!!

We went out to lunch, and then spent a couple hours playing at JJ Jump. Today was day 3 of no nap, napping may be a thing of the past. So far it's been a good thing, we get them in bed an hour earlier and still sleep an extra hour in the morning. And with no nap to have to plan our days around it does free us up a lot.

Daddy and the trio...3 years in and more love every day.

Momma and the babies...not really babies anymore. They got to hear a bit of their birth story for the first time this year. They didn't seem to pay much attention but it was fun to tell them :)

Nose kisses <3

Xander took a 20 min cat nap on our way to the jump spot....such a guy.

They did really well this time, totally hung with the bigger kids and had a blast.

You may notice the girls are in their "party dresses" again...they ask to wear them every day LOL.

Hayden and Daddy going over the wall.

I think having the trampoline at home has helped the kids become excellent jumpers!

Jericho had fun watching, but he sure wished he was playing with everyone else.

Xander and Hayden were crazy for the slides...they wore themselves out big time!

He looks so big in the Moby 4th baby is trying to grow up on me too :(

The girls were trying to shoot some was rigged, had to be, I kept missing too.

More slide fun.

A high five for Dad.

Lily's one trip down the slide...she is still not a fan of slides since her encounter with the slides at Playdate PDX. Poor Bug :(

Jason got Xander in trouble with the attendants after showing him how to go down on his belly, which is a no no.

Hayden and Lily started dancing, and singing out loud, when the chipmunks song came on, followed by one of the songs from Tinkerbell.

Got home and headed out side for some more play time...they were sooo ready for bed tonight! The poor monkey was enemy numero uno again.

The kids got driving lesson did not go much better hahaha.

We also got this cute pic that will be going out as our thank you card this year.

This one was funny :)

Ahhhh I need to get to work on their 3rd year montage...I am putting it off a bit because I have way too many pictures to weed through. Soon...

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