
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Quack quack quack

Well guys my blog now officially costs me $5 per year...I have exceeded my free storage space, I wonder how that happened LOL.

Ok well, on with the pictures :)

We took the kids to the park today, one our way we stopped to feed the geese and ducks first. Those birds are crazy, and if they weren't so fat I would think they were starving. They just mob you for the bread, I had to threaten a few with a boot to the grape if they didn't ease up off me hehehe. The kids did pretty good with tossing the bread, Lily got her hand nipped at once thankfully she wasn't hurt or scared. She kept holding the bread a little too long for the impatient geese, she wanted to feed the "baby ducks" and would try to hold out for one to come closer. She did not believe me at all when I tried to tell her the "baby ducks" were actually pigeons LOL.

Yes, the girls are wearing their "party dresses" again...I wonder when they are going to get tired of these dresses.

So many ducks and geese, so little bread.

Jericho wasn't too sure what to make of the birds. Hahaha look at that face.

There's my happy boy :)

Happy Hayden too!

Off to the playground...

I see you Lily Bug.

Tire swing, was lots of fun until Hayden fell off...oops.

A little safer swing time.

His hair is getting so blonde with all the time he is spending in the sun.

Weeeee :)

Miss Bug, still a fan of the swing.

A little turn on the merry go round.

Dad helping them out on the teeter totter.

I love this pic...for everyone that notices how I usually place them in birth order in pics, I didn't do it this time they just ended up that way LOL.

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