
Monday, July 4, 2011

Firework introduction...check.

The triplets got their first taste of 4th of July fireworks this year. We just stayed home and only set off a small package of different fireworks but it went well. Uncle Skunk (I think we have all just embraced this nick name now LOL) and Auntie Amber came over for some BBQ and stayed to enjoy the trio's first fireworks experience. Biggest bonus, no one got hurt and nothing got set on fire, though I think next year my little pyro hubby will be buying a bigger package of fireworks.

It was a beautiful day, the kids had fun out in the back yard...they were taking Uncle Scott off to the "dark forest" LOL.

Auntie Amber got her baby fix...Jericho was happy to oblige.

Momma and her girls <3

Yummy dinner!

Jason couldn't wait for it to get darker. He busted out the little tiny popper that you throw at the ground and they snap. The kids LOVED them, and caught on right away on how to throw them right.

Then he set off a couple little fireworks, that would have looked much better if it was darker. He was way more excited about blowing stuff up than the trio were LOL.

I got him to put the rest on hold for some ice cream...MMmmm.

We let it get a little darker out and set off the rest of the fireworks.

Jericho slept through it all...what a good boy :)

When the last of the explosives were gone we let the kids hold little morning glories/sparklers. They did really great with listening and holding them down and away from everyone.

They did not like coming in, everyone stood at the front door watching other peoples fireworks until we had to kick them to bed. That's when the attitudes went down the crapper...oh well they are, almost, 3 what do you want :)

Mr. Jericho, wore some red, white and blue on his 1st Fourth of July.


  1. Looks like the 4th was a GREAT time!

    I can't believe the trips are almost 3 and Jericho is getting big, too!

    LOVE the new look of your blog!
