
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Lily makes a terrible lookout.

Our neighbors have huge raspberry bushes in their back yard, they trickle just a bit over the top of our fence. They are starting to get ripe so Jason snuck over and nonchalantly picked a couple for the kids. I seriously doubt the neighbors would mind, good thing since Jason's lookout, Lily, ran around the yard yelling at the top of her lungs that she was eating the raspberries. Smoothe Lily Bug.

Hayden is turning into a diva now. She loves to sing the songs that play during their fave movies. We used to all sing together, now she will point at the offending party who has dared to try to duet with her and say "no it's my song" then she will continue her singing LOL.

One more Lily funny. Jason was being a turd this morning, we were having a minor bickering fest and he was on my last nerve. Lily comes up while we are slightly bickering and asks "where are my cards" without missing a beat I say "up Dads butt"....she walks over to Jason and tries to look in his butt LMFAO!!! Needless to say we just couldn't argue any more after that :)

We pressure washed the front of the house today, I just had to take a couple pics of how well the flowers are doing. Of course the ones we didn't plant are doing the best, all of those orange flowers just showed idea how they got there, but they are really pretty so I don't mind.

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