
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Pressure washer fun.

We spent today getting the back yard and patio ready for the big BBQ we are having after Xander, Hayden and Lily's birthday party. We wanted to pressure wash the patio and house...dang muddy dogs. It hit 84 degrees today so it was a great day to be outside. The trio had a lot of fun playing in the puddles the pressure washer was making...and when Jason sprayed them (from far away...they just got hit with a ton of mist.) The kids loved being sprayed, they would run away screaming then run back for more, we really need to get these kids a sprinkler, they would love it!

Xander was bending down and splashing with all of his strength so the water would splash up all over his face. He did this over and over and over. By lunch/nap time all 3 were totally soaked.

Xan was a big help, he really wanted to run the hose for his Dad.

Lily happy :)

Making some progress.

Lily loving the misting.

Jericho was enjoying being out too, he even loved with the mist would blow his way.

Bye bye muddy house! The trio were having such fun getting dirty in the puddles. Hayden took it upon herself to include baby brother.

She got her hand dirty and walked over to him...

Then she put her dirty wet paw on his head...leaving a little dirt behind. She smiled and ran off. Jericho didn't mind :)

Xander kept asking for more water...he actually managed to squeeze the handle and get some water out.

Dirty boy...but they sure loved every second of it.

All done!

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