
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Last day of vacation.

I wish we were millionaires so the vacation could go on forever. Alas we are not, so on our last day of vacation we packed up, grabbed some lunh and hit up a park, then got in the car and headed home. Little did we know what a bad idea that would be. The 4 hour drive to Grants Pass, while the kids slept half the time, more than doubled on the way home with 4 awake and unhappy kids in the car forcing us to stop every hour or so. It was the suckiest car trip we have had to date. We left the Grants Pass house at noon and got home at 10:30pm...over 10 fricking hours!!! From now on any long distance driving will be done while the kids sleep.

The kids played with their new bubble guns while we packed everything up.

Lunch that vacation is over, eating out needs to be over again too.

A little fun at the park.

Helping them teeter totter. My balance sucks.

We had a great time, all the animals, the boat ride, being together with family...can't wait for next year so we can take another vacation somewhere!
Vacation day 1, day 2, day 3!

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