
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Vacation day 2.*

Day 2 of the vacation was a busy one. Everyone was up bright and early, we wanted to be on the road by 8:30am to get to the first stop on our list of attractions. Here is a funny video of Hayden rocking out while we waited for the rest of our caravan to mount up. The girl has good taste :) This is the best part of waking matter what Folgers may tell you.

We got to the Wildlife Safari at 10am and had a big group photo taken with a cheetah.

It was really cool to be so close to her, she was a beauty.

Next Jason took the seats out of the van and we started the hour and a half long drive through the safari. The trio and Hailee loved being able to go from window to window in the back of the van. They have so many animals that are free range, it really is a fun place. We didn't have time for any of the more hands on things you can do at the park. These people are feeding the giraffes, we wanted to play tug o war with their lions or get an elephant car wash...guess we will just have to go back sooner rather than later :)

Watussi cattle.

The zebra herd had a tiny new member...awww.

The rhino weren't close enough to see too well, I was surprised that they were free roamers too.

Their lions are not, but one of the males gave a good show of some morning roaring!

Jericho was chilling up front with us for the very slow ride through the park, he was being a pain though...he kept kicking the buttons and turning off the AC.

Xan, Hayden and Lily looking out the window.

Lots of animals just cruise down the road.

The bears were being lazy mo fo's.

There were different herds and animals just was pretty cool.

Some monkey's, they are not enclosed but there is a moat around the area which I guess keeps them in place.

If you look close you can see a bunch of little chicks by the adults feet.

On our way to their little petting zoo area, Jericho and Uncle Rick hang out a bit.

Hayden and Xander were all about feeding the goats, Miss I will hold a frog and a snake Lily Bug didn't want anything to do with them.

Uncle Skunk was sticking close by, in case the goats got greedy.

Jason tried to get Lily to feed one but she was not having it.

Cousin B was the only one who had quarters to buy the goat food...thank goodness one of us did.

Xander saying bye to the cow.

We loaded back up and drove a couple hours to the next destination, another wildlife park...even more hands on than the last one. This place has a ton of barnyard type animals roaming free for petting and feeding.

They had a set of brand new baby goat twins, couldn't of been more than a couple days old...they were so adorable.

Peacock babies too. Oh the peacocks...the kids loved chasing them, they are faster than they look.

The kids giving chase :)

One of the highlights, we got to go in and pet their baby tiger. She was beautiful and I can't even tell you how amazing it is to put your hands on a real live tiger cub. The triplets were actually more scared of her and didn't really want to pet her...but we got some great pics.

They also had a baby leopard that I got to pet, the kids were over it but I thought he was lovely :)

This donkey was such a sweet mellow guy...I wish I lived on a farm, I just loved all these animals.

The lions were not up to much, nap time for them.

The tiger was up and at them though...she was making some growly type sounds and was very intent on B.

Jericho was meeting the animals too.

The kids were saying bye to the donkey.

More love for the tiny goat babies.

The kids never were able to catch a peacock, so Daddy bought them each a feather on the way out.

Next we headed to the beach for some fun and a BBQ dinner. It was a beautiful evening.

Lots of fun playing in the water and building crappy sandcastles LOL.

Jericho dipped his toes in too.

We caught a very pretty sunset just before heading back to the house. We took the back roads and went up over the siskiyou mountains on a "short cut" that ended up taking 4 hours. We got up around 4,700 feet in elevation, and I have to say it was creepy. I am sure during the day it would have been really pretty up there with nothing but trees, but at midnight with no one around but our 4 car caravan in the middle of nowhere it was creepy. Or maybe I have just seen too many movies LOL.

See day 1 of our vacation here!

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