
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Our first family vacation!

I was hoping to blog while on vacation but the house we rented had no internet...what the hell LOL. That was OK, we only spent time at the house was a very busy, but fun, vacation, so I didn't have time to blog anyway. That just means I have a lot to catch up on here.
I have a ton of pictures and some video too, I think I will just do one day at a time.
Day 1, we left the house at about 5am on Tuesday the 19th, it was a 4 hour drive to Grants Pass and the kids actually slept about half the way there. We towed a trailer full of all our crap, it's crazy how much stuff 4 little kids need, I think we even had a kitchen sink in there too LOL. We had one casualty on the drive down, the bumbo blew out of the trailer...bumbo down. Our group ended up a few people short, my sister Allie and my niece Rowan couldn't make it. So we ended up having 8 adults and 5 kids...still a big bunch. There were 4 cars in the caravan down, we made really good time. The first day we decided to just chill and ease into things, we had lots planned for the next two days.

Just before getting to the house we all stopped for some breakfast.

Jericho was so happy :)

You would think after 4 + hours in a car to get to the vacation spot the last thing the kids would want would be to hop right into another one. We got their power wheels out of the trailer and away they went. They still can't drive for shit, but with so much space it took them longer to crash into stuff hahaha.

At least she is holding the wheel, it really does help.

A little reading time with Uncle Skunk.

Then out front to toss the football around.

The house was really great, super old but pretty well updated. It was a bit overwhelming at times though, our door knob covers did not fit the type of knobs the house had, and the kitchen was not gated off so we had to do more policing than we are used to, but we weren't there much so it was alright.

The little bitty tv the house sported. I thought for sure the kids would go through some type of withdrawl, but they did just fine actually.

It was good that we had already given up nap time for the most part, we tried to get them to nap once...this is what it looked like LOL.

When we called it on nap time we headed out to check out the river and a near by park. My brothers, sister in law and nephew are crazy ass people, they got in that frigid water.

It was too cold for the kids, so we headed over to the park.

They loved this thing.

Jason and Xander went all the way up to the top.

A tiny baby frog caught my eye, then we noticed they were all over the place. They were so cute, I wanted to take some home.

I am happy to report no frog was injured and all were released back into the wild :)

I am not sure what kind they were exactly, maybe some kind of tree frog or something. Some were super tiny and more of a brown, others were a tad bigger and more of a bright green color...I think maybe they turned more green as they grew.

Hayden and Lily both held one, Xander was thinking about it when one jumped out of my hand and onto his shirt...he did not like that at all.

After the park we headed back to the house and pulled out the slip n slide.

Auntie Amber played with Xander, Hayden, Lily and Hailee...they had a blast!

They didn't quite get the whole you're supposed to run and slide down it but they were trying and having fun anyways.

Cousin Hailee...she is just too cute :)

We had deer up in the yard just after dinner.

Trying to settle down for bed.

It did no good at all.

Night 1 was a nightmare. The trio have never slept away from home, and have never slept out of their cribs. This little break from cribs has made me rethink wanting to switch to beds in 6 months, I think we may wait a year instead LOL. They would not settle down, they would not pick a spot and stick to it. Jason had a big air mattress on the floor and I was up in the bed with Jericho's co-sleeper next to it. I know Lily ended up on the air mattress with Jason and passed out first. Xander and Hayden were up and down and back and forth for hours. I drifted off when they were both on the bed with me. I woke up a couple hours later and found Jason on the floor, the girls on the air mattress together, Xander in Jericho's co-sleeper and Jericho in the bed with me LOL at least they were all asleep. I got up just long enough to snap two quick pictures because it was too funny to pass up.

Posts about days TWO, THREE and FOUR!

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