
Monday, August 22, 2011

Are you a Princess?

I got some of the photos back from the 'Trash the dress' shoot we did a couple weeks ago. I hate it when you get pictures back and they are not as good as you thought they would be. Not the photographer, Amanda rocks and she took beautiful photos as always, I am bitching about the model hahaha. I think I look old...thank goodness for photoshop, and thicker than I thought I would...I wish my dress would have fit better, may have helped, but I had to go up a size thanks to the working boobs. :( Oh well, a couple of them turned out nice I guess.

The kids saw the pics as I was uploading them and thought I looked beautiful, at least I can impress them :) Lily kept saying "Oh Momma, I love your pretty dress." "You look so beautiful in your pretty dress." "Oh Momma, are you a princess?" LMAO! My sweet Lily Bug is such a compliment giver...she tells everyone they look pretty, or that she loves their pretty dress.

We started off pretty tame :)

Then I beefed up the makeup and got in the water.

Yes I am looking at my dress that is on fire. Mine didn't burn all that well since it was already wet. You can just see a little pinkish/blueish flame on the top of my floating dress.

There should be a few more pictures coming soon!


  1. I think you look amazing. You are a beautiful woman and Momma to 4. I love the shots don't be too hard on yourself. We can always be our worst critics.

  2. Thanks Melinda, you are too kind :)
