
Sunday, August 21, 2011

New toy = two outfit changes!

It has been hot the last couple of days, mid 90's, woohoo for our little window AC unit! Today was a perfect day to pull out a new toy for the kids! The trio got a great sand and water table for their birthday from their Grandpa. Jason put it together today, the kids loved loved loved it. They were outside for like 6 hours playing with it. We just filled both sides with water for now, by the end of the day I had refilled the table once and changed the kids clothes twice LOL.

We had a few small squabbles...of course, but they had so much fun.

1st outfits well on the way to getting soaked.

By lunch time they were in need of dry clothes.

Jericho stayed inside during the early part of the day...he was able to keep himself entertained.

After naps we all headed back outside...the triplets got outfit #2 soaked and then sat and had dinner at the picnic table. Jericho was trying to score his first taste of their food, I guess he figures it's only fair since they want to taste his baby food every time I feed him solids LOL.

Mr. Jericho was being so silly.

My handsome boys!

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