
Monday, August 1, 2011

How is it August already?!

This year has flown by, it's more than half over already and my "new" baby is 7 months old...when did that happen? It's no wonder women get baby fever so quick, it all goes by too fast. We spend 9 months growing a baby, sick much of the time for many of us, then bring baby home, blink our sleep deprived eyes and he is almost one year old already.
Mr. Jericho is now trying to pull up on the couch, and it's almost time to start planning his 1st Birthday party...guess these things have me feeling a little bit blah.

Little man playing with his toys with his usual giant infectious smile :)

He is trying hard to pull up, he can get this far on his own. He is not getting to his feet by himself yet though.

If we help him up he can stand up for a min or two before he falls, usually because he is too excited with himself and takes his hands away to waving at me like crazy LOL.

I still have have 7lbs to go to get back to pre-pregnancy weight...why are the last few so damn stubborn?!

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