
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A little man on the go!*

I need to put a bell on my youngest. He is taking full advantage of his new wheels and powering himself all over the house. Here is a really short video of all 4 kids together and Jericho doing a little crawling.

Playing in the curtains.

Trying to get in the toy baskets.

He is lucky he has the cutest grin bails him out of trouble already :)

Hayden put the fireman hat on his head and he actually left it on for a couple of min.

The girls tried on some of their new dresses that they got for their Bday. They were looking at themselves in the mirror and doing twirls LOL.

Quick stop for a little hug awww.

Later after dad got home they were working on their balance. Thankfully no one fell, but I will not go so far as to say they are well balanced hehehe.

Grandma came over tonight to watch the trio so Jason and I (and Jericho) could go help Uncle Skunk unload a bunch of tiles. It was nice to get away for a few hours, even if it involved physical labor.

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