
Sunday, August 7, 2011

It is so fun to trash a wedding dress!

I spent 11 hours playing model today doing a "trash the dress" photo shoot for my favorite photog, Amanda. 6 girls were put in wedding dresses and then set on fire, dunked in water, stood in a waterfall etc. It was fun, tiring, but fun. I can not wait to get the pics back! Now only if I had got paid big bucks to do it, my supermodel status would be cemented LOL.

Jericho came along, where goes the boobs goes the baby that still refuses bottles LOL. He really enjoyed the female attention, that he was the gooey center of all day :)

Getting 6 brides done up takes forever!

A quick stop for lunch, and already everyone is dying to see the pics so far.

One of the spots we shot at, it was a beautiful day and the water was actually not too too cold.

We had a huge audience, just after I took this Les Miserables that is on at the Keller across the street let out and about 40 more people showed up.

Our only close fire call. Thankfully no one got hurt, hope some of the flame on shots come out.

While I was away having fun looking pretty (hopefully) and playing dress up, Grandma was hanging out with the trio at home. They were having a great day too. They were so very happy to see me when I got home though, it was so sweet. I think maybe I should be gone all day more often :)

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