
Saturday, August 6, 2011

This may be the beginning of the end.

After the not so fun bed times we dealt with while on vacation last month, Jason and I came home dead set on not getting rid of the triplets cribs for another 6 the least. Well Xander is trying to push the change up. He tried before, oh way back when he was 18 months old and he first climbed out of his crib. We put these wonderful contraptions on their cribs called 'crib tents.' Worked like a charm until Mr. Destructo broke the zipper of his about 6 months later. Lily had never tried to climb out so we switched her crib tent for his. That lasted another 6 months and then he broke that one. We switched his and Hayden's, she has yet to climb out all the way either thankfully. Yup, you guessed it another 6 months or so and Xander broke the last one, I have no idea how he did it but they should look into that LOL. I don't think we are going to buy another one, we may just change up the stuff in their room so their is less stuff to play with and leave the tents off. I have a very bad feeling about this hahaha.

I walked in today to find he had got out, put on his sisters nightgown and grabbed a book. Little monkey.

He also passed some books to Hayden.

Lily...did not get a book, she doesn't look happy about that.

Later on we chilled in the AC...watched a movie and had a lazy day. It was day two of back to back doubles at work for Jason, I was pretty worn out too.

A line of toe ticklers :)

I painted my toes for my big photo day tomorrow, Hayden wanted hers done...and so did Xander LOL. Drying their toes.

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