
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Not the beach, but it'll do.

We had planned to take the kids to the beach today, it hit 80 yesterday and was supposed to be the same for the next few days. I made the mistake of telling the trio last night our plans for today. Lily talked about nothing but building sand castles until bedtime, and I'm sure you can guess the very first thing she talked about when she woke up this morning. Too bad the weather people were wrong, are they ever right?, and today was not a good day to go to the coast. We decided on the zoo instead, and talked up the sandbox...not the beach but it'll do.
We spent a couple hours walking about then had lunch and then hit up the sandbox.

Jericho got to see a few animals before he passed out for a couple hours.

They had a little bunny out for petting in the farm/barn area.

Doing a little run around after lunch.

They got a couple nibbles of an Elephant ear, it was their first taste of one...I am pretty sure they are fans.

The big male Lion was out and about today.

In the bird hut...we made it through again without getting poo'd on.

We have been taking the trio to the zoo for 2 years now and today was the first time the petting zoo was open while we were there. We got to pet a couple goats, the kids had fun but after our trip to the animal safari last month this one didn't stack up LOL.

Giving a goat hugs on the way out.

The kids aren't even big enough to see out of the scope but that never stops them from trying.

Going down to see the slender-snouted croc.

Sand castle fun with Momma!

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