
Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Jason's Grandpa came over this morning to help cut down a dead tree in our yard. Check this guy out, 83 years old and not only does he workout 4 days a week and go skiing he is wielding a chainsaw chopping down a tree.

It almost took out the fence...whew.

Frank and Betty will have a good bit of firewood this winter.

Looks strange with the tree gone.

The kiddos had fun playing all morning, Xander and Jericho were very interested in the chainsaw action though LOL.

After nap time we headed over for some pool time at Grandma's.

Xan was picking all Grandma's flowers...tisk tisk tisk, this does not make Grandma happy young man.

Jericho will use anything to pull up. He is now trying to let go for a second or two.

Puzzle fun with Grandma while waiting for dinner. I was only 2 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight goal, I don't think the pizza dinner put me any closer, but it was good :)

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