
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Well now we know they CAN.

Wanna test if your kids are truly unable to eat neatly without wearing their food or getting it all over the place? Give them a pudding cup. Seems that Xander, Hayden and Lily are very capable of getting just about every last drop of pudding in their mouths. So their grade on the pudding test...slobs. They are able to eat without making a mess, it just has to be desserts.

They love eating lunch at the bar now...only problem is keeping Xander in his seat without being buckled into his booster.

Pudding test begins. Mmmm pudding. I had one too...there has to be a control, right?

Jericho was upset that he wasn't getting any, I tried to tell him it was a test but he didn't care LOL.

A bit on their faces, a tiny speck or two on their shirt and a licked clean pudding cup hehehe.

Hayden and Lily working on getting every last bit. Lily kept saying "good to the last drop" LMAO!

Would you look at that a white dress that is still white after eating chocolate pudding. Now we know it can be done, wish I knew why they have to be slobs with almost everything else they eat.

This was cute...Jericho wanted to get in the tub with the trio earlier today. He crawled in there and stood up by the tub all on his own :)

We are about ready to do some major work on the kids closets, and I can't wait! We found all this stuff on Craigs List to organize it, hopefully we can get their clothes situation under control soon.

1 comment:

  1. PUdding and applesauce is definitely a favorite around here!
