
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Be careful when coining a phrase.

I have posted before about the spanking games we play, I seriously hope my kids do not grow up with some sort of spanking...or worse, fetish LOL. Anyway a few days ago I was pretending to spank them and as I was done "spanking" one I called another over saying "I'm going to spank your biscuit." You know what they say about kids being little sponges, funny enough they were right. Now my kids ask almost daily for me to spank their biscuit...where did I even come up with that, no idea...but I think it's here to stay for a bit :)

Hayden is really getting helpful, she wants to help clear the table, load the dishwasher and even bring a crying Jericho to his Dad. Yes, Jason jokingly asked her to bring Jericho to him today when he was crying. Hayden was all for it she ran right over to Jericho and went to pick him up. I was worried and told Jason he better get closer and spot her. He did and she carried him just fine. So later this evening when Jericho started crying Hayden ran right to him picked him up and carried him 5 feet to Jason. I snapped a couple pics because they both looked so happy hehehe.

She is so proud...and pretty strong Jericho has got to be about 20 lbs now.

Safe and sound!

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