
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Upward and onward.*

Jericho is a very busy boy these days. He is now crawling full speed ahead, the triplets never crawled this early so it is especially cute to see his little 7 1/2 month old self hauling butt all over my house. He has already had his first bloody lip from face planting due to an abrupt stop. He is also trying his best to cruise the furniture, he isn't going very fast but he is doing it. Jericho seems to be consistently hitting all these milestones a good 2-3 months earlier than the trio did when they were babies. Xander walked just a week or so after turning one, I wonder if that means that Jericho will be walking by 11 months...he is sure in a hurry.

The triplets are just growing and learning and amazing us daily. They are back to taking their 2 hour nap though. After almost 2 weeks or so with no naps Jason and I realized their super bad attitudes and extra often meltdowns seemed to really pop up when the naps went away. A couple days back on nap schedule and the kiddos were more like their old selves....still 3 year olds, but not demonic 3 year olds LOL.

Little man showing off his busted lip.

And his 7 teeth :)

Now that he is crawling and cruising like crazy he tries to get our toes. The trio run for the couch like it's base, and he roams around the edges like a shark on the hunt for toes LOL.

Xander demonstrating toe protection :)

A little video of some cruising...he takes forever, but he is 7 1/2 months what do ya want? :)

1 comment:

  1. Makenna was doing that about the same age and was walking at 10.5 months and walking very well at 11 months! You may have a walker before 10 months!!
