
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cupcake Therapy day 3!

Hayden is a rockstar! Today was day 3 of "Cupcake Therapy" and it is really going well, I am sure we will have steps backwards coming but so far I am really excited at how it's going. Yesterday she had no accidents!!! Today she had just one accident, but she was out in the yard playing and got distracted. Xander and Lily seem to be content with letting this be Hayden's thing, so we are just concentrating on her and hoping when she is trained one of them will be ready to get serious.

The thievery continues, our next door neighbor is not going to like my kids much longer. The most recent lifted items.

Nap time furniture rearranging has become a daily practice....and the little buggers don't even help pick it all back up.

I swear Hayden passes out in the funniest positions.

Oh and a quick peek at my new hair cut!

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