
Friday, September 23, 2011

C is for cool Auntie Stacie.

The kids had a couple fun visitors today, and they came bearing gifts. Auntie Stacie and David came up from Bend for a few days, they picked a great's been back in the 80's here. They hung out in our jungle for a few hours today, Xander, Hayden and Lily really enjoyed playing with them. I was glad to have the company too, Jason had to go into work early today...he was bummed that he didn't get to see his sister.

We all headed outside to play for a bit.

I brought out the bug zapper, when I handed it off to Hayden I actually noticed a spider on Lily so we got a specimen to study.

Auntie Stacie is so much fun :)

The dogs snuck into the kids side and got in on the fun.

A quick story befor nap time.

After nap we got to work on our letter 'C' craft!

Finger paints...lets get messy!

Hayden painting the carrot.

Then they each painted a part of the caterpillar.

The Cat in the Hat.

Seeing as cupcakes are so important around here these days (today was day two, in a row, that Hayden has been accident free!) we made a giant cupcake for our 'C' board...the trio did the "sprinkles" with fingerprints.

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