
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Mom's day off.

I played professional photographer again today, only 5 1/2 hours this time...but my legs are killing me again LOL.

I stopped home for about an hour then headed back out for a girls lunch. I got a nice break today while Jason stayed home with the kids. Thanks babe!

The triplets have now started taking the wall molding off during their nap time destruction fun...these kids grrr.

Everyone got to help Dad make dinner, they all helped crack their first eggs...we had to do some diving for shells LOL.

Hayden is still doing an amazing job with the potty training, the only accidents she has had, just 3 since we started this thing, have been our fault. We have moved away from the cupcakes, now she gets an oreo cookie...she loves them. So far the other 2 still do not seem to care, other than they are not getting special treats. I will take what I can get, getting one out of diapers (during the day at least) is enough for now. Though I am not looking forward to touring all the local restrooms when we are out and about and Hayden needs to go like every hour because she has a bladder the size of a gnat hehehe.

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