
Thursday, September 15, 2011

First theater experience.

We headed to OMSI today, and took the kiddos to their first "movie." 'Born to be Wild' was playing in OMSI's IMAX theater, it is a movie about 2 women who have spent their lives raising orphaned babies, one rescues baby Elephants, the other Orangutans. I don't think I have seen a movie there before so I was pretty impressed, it is a five-story domed screen, covering 6,532 sq. ft. of projection surface with stadium seating. I was almost dizzy walking in there. We hoped the baby animals would keep the trio engaged for the 45 min...they did pretty good, made it about 30-35 min before it started losing them a bit.

Getting seated.

The gang's all ready!

It really had their attention for a while...even Jericho.

Back home, we had some dinner then took a walk.

It was sprinkling on us a bit today, the trio wanted to splash in puddles...they were a little bummed we didn't get that much rain.

Hayden and Lily were playing horsey...again. Xander and Daddy joined in this time too LOL.

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