
Friday, September 16, 2011

I see a big owie coming.

Going into the triplets room in the morning, or after nap, is almost as fun as opening a gift...or a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get LOL. This morning we found Miss Lily, with piggy pillow and blanket, passed out on top of the dresser attached to Xander's bed. I had to make her very upset by telling her no very firmly when she tried to get up there for nap time too. I am just too scared that she will fall, she may think she is 'Angora' (a cat from her new fave show 'Horseland',) but she does not have catlike reflexes hehehe.

It was a beautiful fall day today so we headed to the park for a little bit.

Since Jason climbed up the "rock wall" the kiddos had to try it.

Xander got close, all by himself.

Lily made it up...with some help.

Oh Jericho, the park will be a lot more fun for you once you are walking...promise.

The girls were very active at the park today, trying out all the equipment, and doing a darn good job of it for 3 year olds. They played on the spider webb thing...and I have to thank an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, they learned to "slide to the side" watching an episode and I was able to put that to use today to explain to them how to navigate the toy.

Swings of course.

I tried out the little zip line toy, which peaked everyone's interest :)

They did so great holding on all by themselves!

Some monkey bar action too.

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