
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Rain, rain...

Go away, I am not ready for the 9 months of rain to be back already. We were stuck in the house all day today, makes me appreciate our yard sooo much more. The kids trashed my house today, a couple times. I think we will be investing in rain coats and boots and be playing outside in the rain LOL.

Jason and I always kiss and say love you when someone is heading out of the cute you wanna puke right :) Well today Hayden said "Goodbye I love you Daddy" as Jason was heading out to work. That promted the other two to also say it, with Jason saying it back to each one. Our goodbyes just got a bit longer LOL.

Mr. Jericho has tooth #8, and #9 is not far behind.

Is he cute or what?

The nap time shenanigans continue....

Trying to keep the inmates from rioting.

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