
Monday, September 19, 2011

Pretend fun.

The triplets are getting very serious with their pretend play these days. We have total reenactments of beloved TV shows or movies...with voice changes and everything, we have kids becoming animals, even changing their names. Today Xander insisted on being called 'Chase' while Lily was 'Sara' and Hayden was 'Molly'...all characters from the show 'Horseland'. All day long I was reminded that I was not using the correct names, I finally gave up and started calling my kids by these new names. Hopefully it won't continue tomorrow. Later Xander also argued with his sisters, me and Jason that he is not a boy but a girl LOL. Fun times :)

Today was a camera free day, see it does happen. BUT...These were funny, we snapped them last night just before bed. Jericho was saving his spot for seconds Hahaha.

Jason was carrying him off to bed and I noticed how he was in almost the same position as his newborn picture on the wall, he has gotten so big. He also took about 2 or 3 steps today without holding on to anything...look out world!

1 comment:

  1. I love it. Eating on one side and holding onto the other one. Just gotta make sure dinner doesn't run away in his sleep.
