
Monday, September 12, 2011

It has begun.

Tonight when Jason announced it's bedtime, Lily says "sorry Daddy, I'm not going" then to really make sure she was heard she repeated herself about 4 times LOL. I think this is just the beginning, and I bet they won't always be so polite about it. Oh help us.

Xander's new EI lady came today, they have been on summer break for a while now. Just when I was about over it, now that he is 3 the sessions are only a half hour a week, and it just didn't seem to be accomplishing much, he worked so well for her. Hayden and Lily even worked for her today. Guess I will take it week by week. She had them playing a game together calling stuff out and taking was awesome!

Later we did a little 'Just Dance Kids' on the Wii. They were really into it, even doing their best to follow all the dance moves for a while.

Xander insisted on wearing the Mr. Potato head glasses for a long time today hehehe.

At lunch time today Jericho used Xander's seat to eat some lunch, while the trio ate at the bar. He loved it, thought he was such a big boy. He is really loving the food these days, I think he is getting bored with the purees though. Of course he is, he has 7 teeth (with 2 more just starting to come it) and wants to use em.

Our after dinner walks have been going well, we have gone 3 out of the last 5 days. It's been really nice. The trio still have a lot to learn about cars and safety but I guess out on the road with us is one of the best places to learn it right.

The girls were playing Horseland, Hayden was a horse and Lily was "riding" her hahaha. I was just telling Uncle Skunk the other day about how reciting TV shows and movies is Lily's life. Seriously, it almost has me a little worried how much show quoting she dows LOL.

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