
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Lunch and a movie.

Jason and I got out today for a few hours today. Auntie Amber's birthday is today so we did lunch and a movie with her and Scott. Contagion was good, so scary in a 'that could really happen one day' it has in the past. We hit up Cinetopia for the first time, what a cool place. We picked one of their over 21 theatres. I know some people really don't appreciate when a business is 'child free' but I am not one of them. As a parent, when I get the rare chance to get out away from my kids I sure like to have some quiet adult time...without someone else's child making it feel like I am still at home ;) Anyway Cinetopia has a number of different theaters, we chilled on loveseats and had lunch and drinks served during the movie. It was pretty awesome!

Grandma had fun with the kids while we were out, she is going in for hand surgery very soon and won't be able to be hand's on (pun intended harharhar) with them for a while.

At the movies...inside the 'Movie Parlor' theater.

Scott and Amber looking over the menu.

Awww out on a date <3

Today was also the 10 year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. You know they say time heals all wounds, and with many wounds that can be true, but with this I just don't think it is. Last year I watched all the footage all over again, I couldn't make it through without crying a number of times. This year I decided to try to steer clear, I just couldn't watch this year. I happened on it tonight and the same feelings, and tears, come back. I really don't think this one will heal, and maybe it shouldn't. We'll Never Forget!

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