
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Pro Yo!

I have always thought professional photographers have a fun job, after today I know they have a hard job as well. Our fave photog was doing a seasonal "sports shoot" today and I volunteered to help out. She ended up a photographer short so I was given a crash course in how to use her equipment and I got to play pro photog for the day. 8 hours later I am sore from all the getting down and back up again, over and over and over. I had never been to one of these shoots before so I had no idea how packed they are. She had 3 cameras shooting individuals and 2 cameras doing team shots...all simultaneously, and it literally went nonstop from 8am-3pm...I did not even stop to eat a thing. The kids were all adorable in their soccer uniforms, I hope what I took turned out...Miss Amanda, I am ready for my critique :)

Since I was behind a camera most of the day I only snapped a few candids with my camera, everyone you see, and so many more, are all there for photos LOL.

Jason stayed home with all 4 kiddos, they had a lot of fun...and he didn't look too worn out when I got home. May have to do this again sometime :)

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