
Friday, September 9, 2011

All of my babies are growing up.*

Today my baby boy drank from a sippy for me, then fed himself some of those yogurt melts, he even had some of my baked potato...mashed up of course at dinner time. It is going so fast.

I really am very glad he will take a sippy, now we can actually plan to be away from him a bit longer and not have to worry so much.

The triplets watched Harry Potter for the first time today. They must have wanted that theater experience, as they put their little chairs up on the couch then sat in them to watch the movie LOL.

Gone are the days of splitting food between the trio. They now insist on their own the cup no less, I gotta say they got every last bit out of the cups though.

Little man putting down some yogurt melts.

I love finding toys how the kids leave them...the dragon must have been driving.

If you didn't get enough of Hayden's wet diaper dance a few days ago here is a little more LOL! I will be so very happy for them to potty train and get out of diapers, but will miss this funny dancing :)

1 comment:

  1. We have that same train blocks toy thing. The girls love it.
