
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A little 1 on 1 time...

Well 2 on 2 anyway. I joined a new group of ladies that have fun meet ups and get togethers, and this morning they got together at a great little cafe. It also happens to have some kiddie fun spots too, so I took the girls with me. They had fun playing in the sand box while I sat close by and chatted with some new friends. All I kept thinking was how easy my two girls my boys endlessly of course, but they are so wild and crazy, it was nice to have the girls there who just sat and played. No running off, no screaming and fighting...they just played so nicely.

The boys had fun with Dad while we were gone, they went to the park and then to 7-11 for a treat. Xander decided it was his mission to clean up the world and HAD to pick up every bit of garbage they saw on the way home and put it in a bag.

A little sand fun, they spent almost an hour playing by themselves.

When they got a little bored they moved on to some hula hoops.

They missed Xander, they even grabbed him a blue hula hoop aww :)

After dinner we all went on a walk around the neighborhood, it was so fun I think we may make it a nightly ritual when we are able.

Hayden spent most of the time pushing Jericho's stroller.

She got a little crazy a time or two, but he was loving it LOL.

I let up on my hand holding, unless a car was coming, the trio did a good job of staying right with us.

My kids love flowers, they can not pass a flower without smelling it. This pretty garden had us stopped for a bit...all you could hear were little noses sniffing away LOL.

Xander thinks our little umbrella stroller is a stroller for two....or maybe he was just getting a little lazy at the end of our 45 min walk.

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