
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Range day!

I think my kids have addictive personalities. For a good 8 months we read nothing but The Cat in the Hat, until I just flat out refused to read it anymore. Then they moved on to Green Eggs and Ham, now it's been that and nothing else for a good month. They are like this with movies and TV shows too, it's hot and heavy with one in particular for a few months, then they change and get hot and heavy for something else all but forgetting their previous love. Any way, in honor of their new favorite bedtime story book....Jason made them green eggs and ham this morning for breakfast LOL.

**Warning icky spider pic below!**
The triplets got this awesome gift for their Bday from Grandma, I didn't have time, or occasion, to break it out until today. And it wasn't even the kids that got to use it first, it was Jason and I LOL. Lily is our bug lover, she doesn't seem scared of them only very interested in looking at them, even trying to pick them up...which usually doesn't end well for said bug. So now we have this handy dandy shop vac like contraption. You suck up the bug with the low juiced vacuum then turn a knob which closes the bug in and under a magnifying glass so you can get a good look at it. I saw a HUGE ass spider in the kitchen and yelped at Jason to get something and get it out...I am a catch and releaser IF it is at all possible. It was so fricking big Jason didn't even want to try catching it, then he remembered the bug gun and sucked him up. I have no idea what kind it is but it is not cute.

Our sitter extraordinaire, Kristen, came over today to hang out with all 4 kids while Jason and I got out for some fun. We were gone 7 hours and things went beautifully at home. Kristen really does an amazing job with the kids. BEST news...picky booby boy Jericho actually took some booby milk out of a sippy, first time ever, plus ate a jar of food while we were gone!

We went about an hour out of town, into a secluded and wooded area with my brother and sister in law for some target practice. It had been so long since we got out to practice, a good 4 1/2-5 years, but it seems it's like riding a don't forget how. I shot my good ol Sig Sauer, I love this gun and have had it for oh I don't know 15 years. Too bad it's too bulky for me to carry it, so I got an XD and tried it out for the first time today. We also got to put our AR through its that one too. Jason practiced with his Taurus, and then brought out the shotty. I was hesitant to shoot it, the slug can be a bit much, but I did and it was fun too.

Dang I could have starred in The Matrix, or as a friend pointed out...Lara Croft LOL.

Jason being silly.

But really to anyone reading that doesn't know us, we take owning guns very seriously, they are not toys...actually my kids do not have any toy guns and I don't plan to allow any either. I was taught about guns from an early age, my brothers both were/are in the military/police fields, so I learned from the best and have a very healthy respect for guns.

It was beautiful today, and damn was I on target. I was shooting at the bottom row of balloons, love the instant gratification targets sometimes.

All gone :)


Such a lovely spot.

Being ex military/police, they like to do more than just stand there and shoot stuff at the range. Here we are all doing the "downed man drill," basically fall back, draw, aim and fire.

Shooting at paper, so we can track our groupings, from a 12 foot+ distance.

Aren't we cute :)

Every one did timed draw and double taps, yes, the iPhone has an app for that LOL.

Switched it up to the rifles.

The bottles we were shooting at.

At 12 feet my 2 targets looked pretty good. On the left is what I did with the was my first time shooting it! On the right is my trusty Sig, you can see I pulled one pretty far left, almost out of the yellow, that first long trigger pull can be bothersome LOL. Not too shabby though since it has been about 5 years! All in all it was a good time!

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