
Monday, September 5, 2011

A Labor Day with no labor.

Today just sort of all worked out. Jason thought he was going to have to work today but ended up with the day off! I was really glad since today was the last day of the Oregon State Fair and we really wanted to take the kids. They triplets did so great, they held hands when we told them they had to, they were very nice to all the animals and they rode horses (well big ponies) all by themselves! Jericho had a good time at his first Fair too, though he really wished he could walk just like the big kids.

Everyone took turns helping push Jericho, it was just too hot to wear him so he got to chill in the umbrella stroller.

We stopped for some lunch...dude, it is crazy expensive trying to feed 3 kids and 2 adults at the Fair, we won't be doing that next year LOL.

They love seeing all the animals, the baby cows are a big hit.

Checking out the goats. I wish I lived on a farm...3 or 4 of each please :)

The horse rides went awesome! I was afraid they may not be ready to do it on their own, last year Jason or I walked next to them on the horse, but not only were they ready but the only bitching came about because they thought they were going to have to share a horse and they each wanted their own LOL. Well, of course there was a huge meltdown when the short ride came to a stop and it was time to get off.

They were so excited to get their turn.

Jericho watched through the fence, next year buddy!

Look at them go!

They had a little belt like strap helping them stay in the saddle.

We took a little break for some yummy ice was hot today.

And Jericho got to stretch his legs a bit. He also tried out wearing shoes for the first time.

I can't believe how much they have changed in just one short year. Last year at the Fair they were in the choo choo, and now looking back they were still babies...I wonder if i will think the same about this year when I look back on it next year.

We did have one not so great thing happen. Jason dropped and broke my camera, so we had to stop and get a new one...there is NO WAY at all I can survive even a day without my camera LOL.

After we left the Fair we headed over to Grandma's. She had a huge turn out for her Labor Day party! So nice to see everyone :)

Lots of yummy food out, but of course my kids go for the junk they almost never get to have. Jason gave them each a cupcake and then they each stole one more and a couple cookies after that. Bad sugared out kids hehehe.

The girls were having a great time with their Great Aunt Julie.

Jason played a game of croquet, with Xander cheering him on.

Jericho on the other hand, was getting fresh with a girl. Kenzie will not be pleased to see this!

Jericho and Kianna...I think it was love at first sight, even though she is bigger than him and only 2 days older :)

Started with just a little hand holding.

Next thing I know they are making out and Kianna's Daddy is asking Jericho what his intentions are Hahahaha!

Does he look like a guy who just got kissed by a pretty girl or what?!?!

Little stud muffin :)

Grandma's was packed...even the pool.

We managed to keep the trio out of the pool, but that meant a lot of swing pushing for Grandma :)

Great Aunt Julie and her fam were not able to make it to the trio's party this year so she surprised them with their gifts while we were there. Thanks Julie, they loved everything!

What a great day!

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