
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Splish splash Jericho's taking a bath!

Jason got off work today and went right into having fun with the kiddos. Xander, Hayden and Lily got a ton of play doh and different accessories for their birthday and a little bit of it got broken out today. They had a blast, so did Jason...until it came time for clean up LOL.

Some fun play doh toys...the girls loved making spaghetti :)

They got a great Cookie Monster toy that has a big mouth for eating lots of play doh food, and letters!

The trio loved feeding him, especially Xander who even made the "Cookie Monster eating sounds" hehehe.

After dinner the triplets got a bath, then everyone had some rough housing fun. I am such a Mom...all that rough stuff, no matter how gentle it actually is, makes me a nervous backseat driver.

Jericho was diving off the couch to his Daddy. Gave me a couple heart attacks but they were having fun.

Lily turned her head on me, but I ended up getting this pic of her hair. I am really loving all the blonde highlights and the blonde under neath the top coat of "red"...I really am not sure what you would call her color...but it's pretty.

Jericho had his first bath tub bath...he loved it. He was a wild man but managed to not get hurt, and he got clean so it was a success.

Such a happy fella...I love that about him, he really is so good spirited. Such a joy!

He does go looking for trouble...but what boy doesn't? :)

Baby butt shot...gotta love baby buns hehehe.

1 comment:

  1. Lily's hair color is so much like Oriana's! Love all the pics :)
