
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fall is our yard.*

It was beautiful today, the wind is kicking up though and our apple tree is dropping leaves, and apples, likes crazy. We all headed outside to do a little raking, the kids each tried their hand at it...but Xander really caught on. I decided it was time to make some changes to the look of the blog again too. Since Fall is here, well not officially for another 20 days yet I guess, I wanted something fall-ish. I also added some new tabs up at the top where I will have the kids month by month photos, yes I am planning on catching up. I also have a tab for our crafts and fun do remember to check in over on those pages.

Usually I am an eh forget the leaves kind of person, but since I have 3 budding yard hands I figured this would be a good training session LOL.

Jericho enjoyed watching all the manual labor going on :)

Team work.

Lily is declaring war on the leaves hehehe.

Just look at that form.

Cheeky Hayden :)

Poor sweet, thinks he doesn't need a nap, it evil to laugh hehehe.

Haven't seen anything that funny since Hayden did the bob n weave when she was 10 months :)
Gosh it's been a long time since I watched any of these old video clips...they were such babies, seems like a different life. Almost made me cry...

This is Hayden's favorite dance, when she has had THREE cups of milk with dinner.
I present to you the 'wet diaper dance' LMAO!

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