
Friday, September 2, 2011

How can they make such a mess?

Bed times have been going great, sometimes they talk or play for a little while after we put them in their room but most of the time the just go to sleep. Nap time and the state of their room when we go to get them...not so much. I forgot that we left a few things in the drawers of their beds, they found them and strewn everything all over their room. They even pulled the beds out and spilled their water all over. The flowers and dragonflies and other wall art we had up is being torn off bit by bit. They are little shit heads LOL. I would try harder to get in there first thing when I hear them, except for the fact that their first order of business upon waking is to unplug the baby monitor, so I don't hear them right away. Guess we will have to remove even more stuff from in there, or maybe put a few toys in there so when they wake up they will play instead of destroy their room.

This mornings mess.

Xander passed out on the couch before nap time. His sisters had to go and lay with was so cute. He looked a bit bothered, I think he still holds a grudge for how much they squished him in the belly LOL.

Of course since he had passed out a little on the couch he did not nap well. This is how he came out of the room after nap time LOL.

Hayden and Lily did take a pretty good nap...though Hayden was half in and half out again LOL...notice the baby monitor unplugged beside her.

Jericho did some more standing and walking pleased with himself.

He really loves this toy, he is getting to use it a bit earlier than the triplets did. I think they were about 10 months when we brought it home.

Such a big cute smile...he tries to trick you with his cute looks while he steals your stuff. Seems he is already after cell phones and remote controls...we have a Xander Jr. I fear LOL.

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