
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ready for more!

Xander has had some great EI sessions the last few weeks, he is really making awesome progress. We were actually given the OK to call and get all 3 on the list for the peer group in their preK classes! I doubt we will get them in this year, but we should be able to get them in next year.

Jericho sneaking up to join in.

Grandma came by for a visit today. The kids were so happy to see her, and not just because she brought them some new shirts :)

Aww Hayden and Lily and Grandma snuggles :)

Xander and Jericho we actually playing nice for a little bit today. Little man now has 8 teeth all the way in and 3 more that have poked through his gums, he is a teething machine!

1 comment:

  1. Love their smiles, especially Jericho's! He is gonna be a heart breaker!
