
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Time for some Fall crafts!

Before we get to the crafts I have to share these pics.
It has been getting chilly some nights so we broke out the kiddos sleepers. My almost 9 month old is wearing a 12mo sleeper that used to be his brothers, and the 3 three year olds are in 4t sleepers. My big kids! I miss footy pj's, they just look so comfy and warm :)

Acting silly LOL.

Here is a flashback...Xander at 14 months in the same sleeper :)

OK craft fun! Fall is here, time to get the spring stuff replaced with all things leafy :)

painting their leafs.

We also did these great hand print trees with finger print leaves. Pinterest has so many fun ideas!

The finished products.

Another Pinterest gem...our family tree :)

Jericho is a busy boy, he can now use his walker toys all over the house...since he has figured out how to turn them so he can go in any direction.

Jason has already tried to kill his anniversary bonsai, hopefully we can nurse the poor thing back to health.

It has been raining off and on now, so our once daily walks are now hit and miss. Today was a beautiful day to go for a walk though, and everyone had fun wearing their shades.

It is seriously impossible to get them all looking at the camera at one time grrr.

Still working on going hands such a hurry Jericho.

The ending to a great day...the trio got to try their first peanut covered carmel apples, they were a hit LOL.

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