
Monday, October 24, 2011

Pumpkin patch and haunted house fun!

I have been a bad blogger this week, so sorry. Lets play catch up shall we :) We had a pretty full week so I will fudge the post dates to make it look like I was keeping up.

Today we made our annual trip to the pumpkin patch on Sauvie Island. Grandma, Uncle Skunk, Auntie Amber, Cousin Hailey and Amber's mom "Grandma Jo" joined us. It was another beautiful day! We were pretty pleased with our pumpkin patch scheduling skills this year. October in Oregon can be wet and cold more often than not...and taking a bunch of little kids out in weather like that is less than fun. So for being scheduled a month in advance we got really lucky and it was beautiful out for both the 'Little People Big World' patch and this one.

This was our 3rd year coming to this patch, it is so amazing to see how much the trio have changed. Everyone had a great time, can't wait for next year!
We all wore our costumes for a while, lots of pictures were taken...and not just by us LOL.

They were able to do the hay pyramid pretty much by themselves this year.
Such big kids.

Lily yelling "I did it" LOL.

Jericho chilled in the stroller before giving the pyramid a go.

Xander did it too!

An attempt at a family pic...the sun kept causing picture issues, that's OK better too much sun than rain.

Auntie Amber with Xan and Hailey.

We ditched the costumes and headed out for a hay ride to the patch. Uncle Skunk checking out some pumpkins with the trio.

Jericho was loving his pumpkin drum.

I heard it was a rough pumpkin growing year this sure has looked fuller in years past.

More family picture attempts...not too bad for 3 three year olds and a 9 1/2 month old.

The sun was bothering Xander LOL.

The kiddos had fun inspecting a couple broken pumpkins.
Hopefully next year we will give carving a shot.

Little Man had a great time.

Heading back.

Stopped to climb the pumpkin pile.

Aww sister hugs :)

All 3 girls started holding hands as we headed to the corn maze.

Jericho's first flower picture.

They need another flower hahaha.

Maze time.

They really wanted to eat the corn.

First question stop.

Found the first bridge.

Xander kept running ahead, so he got a should ride to keep him with us.

Found the same bridge...we got a little turned around this time.

We got to the half way point and stopped for a quick bite. Then the kids wanted to play on the pyramid again so we gave up on the maze.

The kids found the dirt pile, so we called it and headed home for dinner. We had plans with Scott and Amber to check out a Haunted House after dinner, while Grandma hung out with the kiddos for us.

Our perfect pumpkins :)

Such a long way from our first visit...the trio were 15 months old.

Even a big change in just the last year. The trio were just over 2.

And Jericho last has it been a year already :)

The Haunted House was awesome, one of the best in Portland. They don't allow camera's in...and even though I brought mine anyway, I was too busy being scared and hiding to break the rules. We did take a group pic while waiting in line. YUCK! It is so not fun to think about how icky we look without skin hehehe.

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