
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Roller Derby!

The triplets were invited to a friends birthday party today! It was their first time to a roller rink, while I think skating is a couple years off they had a great time LOL.

Before we left we put a couple coats of paint on some old jars so they would be try when we got back....another Halloween craft!

The "rink" had some fun toys for the kids that weren't quite up to skating.

They each had their favorite toys, but Hayden was super attached to her little pink motorcycle.

Always reenacting...Lily was pushing aroung Panda's noodle cart all afternoon :)

Jason and Lily were the first to try out some skates.

Jericho was loving his borrowed ride :)

Lily wasn't lovin it, but she managed to look like she was.

Xander took a turn, he actually was really trying.

Before he tweaked his back Jason was have a great time zooming around the place.

Cake time! Birthday girl about to blow out her candles.

Back to playing. They played hard today!

We stopped for my birthday present on the way home. I now have my first iPhone!!!

The jars were dry and ready to decorate.

Add a little candle and you have some boo-tiful Halloween lanterns!

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