
Sunday, November 6, 2011

The almighty boob!

Jericho and I have now made it 10+ months as a breastfeeding team, with no signs of slowing down yet!!! Not too shabby when there has been more than a couple times I have wanted to throw in the towel. A fellow mom of multiples is in the process of donating her milk and she shared some pretty cool tid bits about milk donation. Not that I have the supply to do that but kudos to those that can and do!

She said she was speaking with the milk bank consultant and was told breastmilk is used for NICU and/or tube fed babies. They also provide milk for adoptive families, moms who can't breastfeed for some reason (maybe medication, their own health, etc). She also said that breast milk is 'prescribed' ( by doctors) for kids with repiratory issues/diseases to protect them from illness AND for adults, typically cancer patients and others who are immune compromised, to maintain their gut health and overall wellness during treatment.
 I've read all about breastfeeding and the benefits of breastmilk, etc. I hear about mom's putting breast milk in the baby's eye for pink eye, on kids cuts to help them heal, etc. but I didn't know it was given to adult cancer and HIV patients? Pretty cool! I saw a Tshirt once that said something like "I Make Milk, What's Your Superpower?" guess it's true....go boobie power!

We did a little painting today, just about time to get all the Halloween stuff taken down and get started on Thanksgiving!

Day 6: I am thankful we have food to feed our family. I am so lucky that I am not a mother who has to watch her children starve to death like many in areas like Somalia. It is so sad that we have people in this country who waste millions on bullshit, like a wedding for a marriage that lasted 70 some days, while people...many of them innocent children are dying because they have no food or catch a preventable disease. Pretty disgusting people.

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