
Monday, November 7, 2011

What a day!

The trio had their second day of school today. We thought for a few min that it was going to go better, we were wrong. Despite school being talked about a few different times over the last couple of days, and the super cheery smiles about going to school we got this morning, it actually went worse. We still had to walk them to class instead of just saying bye at the drop off point. Once inside the class Xan and Lily said goodbye to us without any issues and went off to play. Hayden started crying again, telling us not to go, that she wanted to go too, and when she knew it was no use she says in the most pitiful way "You're coming back right?" I almost started crying :(
Ready to go!

Checking out toys at the drop off spot.
Since we had to walk them to class they showed us their pictures marking which cubby is theirs.

While the triplets were at school my husband took me out to pick up a gift he bought for me. I think the idea was to wait for Christmas but he is the worst at holding on to a gift for someone. It's like it burns a whole in his pocket...he is such a giver :)

Jericho excited to be out and about too.

Ooohhh the lady that has to clean all that glass is not going to be happy with you little man.
My new little ring. Opal is my birthstone and I have the hardest time finding real Opals, not lab created, in white gold...I am not a fan of yellow gold. It's cute. While we were there I also sent off my wedding set to have the white gold coated in rhodium, I guess that helps keep the white gold from yellowing. My finger feels so naked without my bling LOL.

We then went to pick up the kiddos, 2 hours really goes fast! We did not get a good report today. Hayden didn't come around this time, she did stop crying but she refused to join in anything they did the whole time. Lily did great until time for clean up came around, then she refused to help. She is like that at home too, my little LilyBug has a bit of a lazy streak...I have no idea where she got that. Xander did great the whole time though! They brought home the project they made on their first starts, crafts from school decorating my house :) 

After lunch we did a craft. Which leads to my Day 7: I am thankful for many awesome finds there!

Painting craft stick feathers...they actually tried to do a good job this time.

Just look at that concentration :)

Pipe cleaner feet.

Trashing my house as they play, while I am finishing up their crafts with the hot glue gun.

Pinecone turkeys!

They have been pretty cranky at dinner the last week or so, not napping catches up with them some days. The other day Hayden got in trouble as we were about to eat dinner. I put her in time out in their room and got the other kids settled at the table. When I went in to get her she was passed out and didnt want to get up. We made her come to the table for dinner anyway, and I'm sure you can imagine how that meal time went. So this evening when Hayden was again in trouble (oh the 3's are just as bad as everyone said) just as we were getting dinner ready, I put her in her seat in the kitchen instead of sending her to her room for time out. Win for mom, right? Nope...we look over and see this. We had another fun meal time.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the new ring! Hazel's birthstone is opal and last mother's day Ryan got me a ring too :)
