
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

'D' is for.

OK, so my "Letter of the week" craft project has turned into a more of a "Letter of the quarter" project LOL. We took a little time after school today to make a letter 'D' board.
You can see A,B and C's on their pages.

School went really good again today. We got a good report from the teacher at pick up, though Lily decided to cry a little at drop off today...they like to keep us on our toes.

The kids coloring their 'D' items. Lily did a good job on Dora.

Xan worked on a dog and a dinosaur.

He was actually trying to stay in the lines.

Lily not so much hehehe.

Hayden worked on a duck and a dragonfly. She had to use pink and purple on the dragonfly...I bit my tongue when I almost told her to use blue because dragonflies don't come in pink and purple.

Yes I am aware this child needs a hair cut. I have been trying to put it off a bit longer in hopes that we could hit 8 inches so she could donate her hair.

I thought I would try to make them springy like and pop off the page. It worked so far, but we will see if they hold up.

All done...the purple glue took forever to dry.

Day 16: I am thankful for a warm, dry, safe roof over our heads. It may be a tad tight and is certainly not my dream house, but as someone who lived in shelters and even a car, more than once, when I was a's so not something to take for granted.

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