
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A good report!

Hayden did a much better job at school today. Instead of us walking them down, the teacher just grabbed her hand and walked with her. She was crying but not really out of control. At pick up time we were told that she did a great job, she calmed down quickly and joined in everything the class did. Xander and Lily were good too of course. We all got a little ice cream to celebrate :) Hopefully this is the beginning of happy drop offs.

After lunch the kids layered up and went outside to play with a new little kitchen a friend gave them.

Day 9: I am thankfull for my husbands days off. It is so wonderful to have us all together having fun. We miss him so much when he is off at work.

Speaking of my amazing husband, who never outgrew fart humor, he is rubbing off on my children. The trio are pretty polite, they are super fast to say excuse me...or you, if someone burps. Not quite as classy when it comes to other...umm releases. I hear "ripper" way too often during my days. The kids will call out their own "rippers" they will call out each others or anyone else's. Hayden, who is totally 100% day time potty trained now, will say "Don't worry, it's just a ripper" so we do not fret that she needs to go potty LOL.

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