
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Pipe down peanut gallery.

So it seems my husband is not the only one the triplets are copying these days. My kids are starting to sound like me too. Offering up time outs, "Fine don't eat it"s, "Don't make a mess, we just cleaned up", even "No Jericho it's not nice to pull hair". Usually it's pretty right on, except for a time or two. Today the warnings of an empending time out, by me and the kids, did not get the desired effect. As I was going to collect a child and head to time out, my back seat parenter gives the advice to run LOL.

We broke out one of the trio's Bday gifts today. It was really fun, but they are not quite understanding it just yet. I can see this being really big in another 6 months or so!

I am still working on the is just going to be long. I am doing my best to weed the pictures down but I really don't see it getting under 18 min long.

Day 10: I am thankful for the internet. It is so helpful in keeping up with family that is far away. I found great groups and friends who offer so much support, from child tips, to health care, to an outlet for a Momma that doesn't get to leave the house every day. What ever did we do before all this cyber connection :)

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