
Friday, November 11, 2011

Eww not fun.

We had a small shopping trip to make today, figured we would all go. All went fine, until out of the blue poor Lily started getting sick while sitting in her carseat. Sometimes knocking on wood is not good enough, I was just telling someone how none of my kids have been pukey sick yet. I am not sure why she got sick but it was unpleasant. She threw up 3 times all in a row and started crying. I was telling her it's OK and trying to get back to her to clean her up. She calmed down really quick, and said "Momma there is poop all over me." I told her it's not poop it is vomit, you got sick honey. She spent the rest of the day saying "Sorry Momma, sorry I got sick" and "sorry I threw up my stomach all over me." Poor pumpkin :( at least that seems to be the end of it.

Day 11: I am thankful for a husband with a strong stomach. I can not do yucky smells, I was dry heaving trying to clean Lily up. Thank goodness Jason can handle stuff like that.

Race car shopping fun.

LilyBug feeling much better.

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