
Saturday, November 12, 2011

You need to rethink your career path.

The police made a stop at our house today. Someone tried to cash a "washed" check for $450 at our bank. The teller noticed it looked washed and started asking questions...thank goodness. The chick got spooked and ran off. Leaving behind her ID and SS card. I think she may be new at this, and probably will not be a criminal long LOL. Doh... Thank you B of A, for once you did something right.

The officer said they probably got the check out of our mailbox, maybe now Jason will listen to me and not put outgoing mail in our box. I guess he came by the house because they have not been able to reach us since this JULY. He said nowhere he tried had our phone number. We were deep deep undercover, well until now. He needed to verify that we did not know her or knew about her having a check from us. We both said the name was unfamilliar, and that we had not given anyone a check for $450! I had to step away to wash the kids hands, they were just finishing lunch. Jason said when I left the officer gave him a look like "she is gone now, are you sure you don't know this woman" LOL. He then showed us photo copies of the check, her ID and SS card. We had never seen her before, but I must admit after he left I looked her up on FB. She is a year older than me, married and has 3 boys, and doesn't live far from us. I almost feel bad. He was on his way to arrest her after talking to us, 4 months later...I wonder if she thought she had gotten away with it. He said the ADA would be in touch about what happens next.

Day 11: I am thankful for security measures and people who are good at their jobs! I am also thankful we are not out $450.

 Only one pic today, Jericho was catching a little nap and the cats moved in to lay with cute.

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