
Friday, November 25, 2011

A little early Christmas fun.

We have recovered well from our turkey over load from yesterday. Even got my kitchen put back together...though we are still putting off bringing all the kids toys back out LOL.

Grandpa and Auntie Stacie...and a couple other visitors, stopped by the house on their way back out of town. It doesn't look like they are going to be able to make it back to town for Christmas, so they wanted to bring a couple things for the kids today.

The triplets love playing back in the "cave" behind the couch. I don't think they even miss their toys yet.
Grandpa and Auntie Stacie brought Slim and Oakley along for the visit. Slim has been having a great time living with Stacie. The kids have missed him though and were so happy to see him. Oakley is a horse, so very different that when she left our house as little baby Annie.

The trio were playing chase for an hour with the mini horse, and they got tired first.

Grandpa broke out some new toys...YAY!

Xan got a fun new truck.

Hayden and Lily got new "Princesses" AKA Barbie's.  You can see Stacie has great Barbie taste...she picked out an Architect and a Vet :)

Little Man got an adorable little Glow Worm baby.

Some fun play time. Yes we had to move the couch to block Sakari from seeing Slim and Oakley. Seems she has not forgotten how much she hates Slim, and that she has totally forgotten Oakley is her daughter. She is such a bitch.

Thanks so much for a fun afternoon. We will miss you guys at Christmas!

A flash back...Sakari and a brand new Annie, her first born pup. Hard to believe she used to be so tiny...or that the trio were just babies when we had these pups in our house.

Day 25: I am thankful that my kids have so many people in their lives that love them and care about them. They are so fortunate.

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