
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving success!

I had a very busy day, I was so glad when Jason got home. But it all went over great and Thanksgiving was wonderful!

The kiddos got a little spiffed up :)

We had some crazy hug fest going on.

My fruit and cheese gobbler was a hit...thanks Pinterest.

We also tried the turkey veggie tray, but it didn't turn out quite as good. The trio couldn't wait for their "food on a stick" LOL.

Baby boy on his first Thanksgiving.

The Great Grands and Great Uncle Steve were the first to arrive.

Not long after everyone else was here, and the kids were being quite entertaining.

They each put away 3 sticks before dinner LOL.

The turkey handprint place cards were a hit too...YAY!

We had plenty of yummy food to go around, and great was a fantastic Thanksgiving.

The kiddos wore themselves out, Hayden passed out and Lily was asking us to put them to bed hehehe.

Day 24: Today the kids are taking the lead. Xander is thankful for all the stuff we leave too close to the edge of the counter, his toys, wrestling and stuff he can take apart. Hayden is thankful for her Daddy, bread, Madagascar and dancing. Lily is thankful for Tinkerbell, her "Princesses" AKA Barbie's, quoting movies and pretty dresses. Jericho is thankful for his older siblings, doing what you tell him not to, the camera and boobs LOL.

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